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Monday 7 January 2013

Carrot Halwa

I don’t like carrots at all in whatever dishes added perhaps, I like this cuisine because after it is cooked, it doesn’t taste like a dish with carrots, as it takes out the carrot flavor in it and gives only the sweet taste which makes me to forget that its made out of carrots :) .This is one of the easiest sweet recipe. The only lengthy process is cutting the carrot to very fine shape(I used food processer and so my job was shortened :).

  • Carrots (Chopped fine)- 3 Cups
  • Milk-2 ½ Cup
  • Sugar- 1 Cup
  • Cashews- 5 Nos
  • Ghee-5 Tspn
  • Cardomom powdered- 1 Tspn
  • Salt- ¼ Tspn


  • In a pressure cooker pan, add 2 Tspn of Ghee and add the carrots and stir for a minute just to remove the raw smell.
  • Add milk to this and cook until the milk gets completely into the carrots and the carrots baked well.
  • Add sugar and stir well for another 10 minutes.Here the carrots will become like a paste and make sure there is no water left in it.
  • Add cashews, Cardomom powdered and the remaining ghee and mix well.


"Let it stand for some time till the halwa becomes cool.

While stirring only the carrot make it should be cooked in low flame, as it may get darken at the bottom of the pan."

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