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Tuesday 26 March 2013

Njandu Curry / Crab Roast Curry

Most Non vegetarian’s favourite is the crab curry. It’s loved by most of the people around the world and it is one among the best sea food as well. The making is easy but to bring the good taste is a hard task and about the cleaning part yes I know, it’s a tedious process. In India it’s hard to find large crabs however here in California I saw the crabs are really huge with huge claw.


It is called as Dungeness crab and it is served often with salads, cioppino, or simply cracked on the plate, accompanied by drawn butter and crusty sourdough bread. And I was shocked and confused before when we visited a restaurant and we were served with a hammer and a scissor to eat the crabs lol :) and after we saw the crab size then could able to make out why would we need those cutleries :) 


  • Crab- 1 Large or if using small – 3-4 Nos
  • Onion- few
  • Tomato-1 Large
  • Tamarind Extract - half Cup- or Kudampuli- 2 or 3 pods
  • Pepper powder- 1 Tspn
  • Turmeric Powder- ½ Tspn
  • Coriander Powder-1 Tspn
  • Garam Masala- 2 Tspn
  • Coriander Leaves-few
To Temper:
  • Curry Leaves-few
  • Oil- 2 Tspn
  • Dry Red chillies- 2 Nos
  • Cumin seeds-1/2 Tspn
  • Fenugreek seeds-1/2 Tspn
To Grind as coarse paste (Crushed):
  • Green Chilies- 3 Nos
  • Garlic-3-4
  • Ginger- a small piece
  • Small onion- 3 Nos
To roast and grind as fine paste:
  • Grated Coconut -1/2 cup
  • Small onions- 4
  • Coriander Powder-1 Tspn
  • Chili Powder - 1 ½ Tspn
  • Turmeric Powder- 1/4 tsp
  • Fennel seeds - 1/2 Tspn
  • Pepper Powder- 1 Tspn
  • Curry Leaves - 10 Leaves
  • Oil – 2 Tspn


  1. In a pan,pour oil and roast all the ingredients,set it cool and grind it to a fine paste and keep aside.
  2. In a separate pan, add the items under “To temper” and after mustard splits up add the onion and tomato and sort until it becomes translucent.
  3. Add all spice powders now I,e chili,pepper,turmeric and coriander powder and sort again for another 5 minutes.
  4. Add all the items under “To grind as coarse paste (crushed) and sort again for 2 mins, and add garam masala into it.
  5. Now add the cleaned crab into this and sort again for about 5 minutes and cook it covered for about 5 mins.
  6. Now, add the roasted and ground coconut paste and tamarind extract into this and let the curry boils for about 5-10 minutes or until the curry gets thickened.
  7. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve.


"You can also replace with pepper seeds instead of using the pepper powder.

Clean the crab completely with turmeric powder before using it to remove the dirt if any."

Kerala Appam and Mutta Curry

Glad to treat you all by a Appam and Mutta Curry why because it's my 50th Post in my blog. Again thank you all for the constant support rendered. So here is Appam and mutta curry to celebrate my half century. 

This is one of my favorite recipes from my Mom's cookbooks; she does this every time when any guest visits our place, as it's easy and tasty as well, and its one of the famous breakfast in Kerala.There are lots of different methods of doing appam, the one I have given here is the authentic kerala appam as you see in the picture its really very light soft and just melts in your mouth :) There are many different side dishes for Appam to serve however Mutta curry is the perfect match.



  • Raw Rice- 2 Cups(Soaked Overnight)
  • Coconut Flakes-1 Cup
  • Cooked Rice-Half Cup ( It can be any rice)
  • Yeast- a Pinch
  • Sugar – half Tspn
  • Salt - 1 Tspn


  1. Grind the soaked raw rice with little water separately. The consistency should be little watery than the idly batter)
  2. Grind the coconut flakes with little water separately.
  3. Grind the cooked rice with little water separately to thick paste.
  4. Mix all the above three batter (Consistency should be little watery than the idly batter). Now add yeast into this and keep it for over night.
  5. Before 10 minutes of preparation, add sugar and salt to the batter and mix well.
  6. Keep the Appam vessel in stove (thin bottomed non stick vessel is the best) and pour the batter and lift the vessel and shake it in clockwise to get the rite shape and close it with the lid.
Mutta Curry:


  • Eggs- 3 Nos
  • Onion sliced lengthy wise- 1
  • Tomato- 1 Large
  • Green Chilies- few
  • Chili Powder- 1 Tspn
  • Coriander Powder- 1 Tspn
  • Turmeric Powder- Half Tspn
  • Ginger garlic paste- 1 Tspn
  • Asafoetida- ½ Tspn
  • Coriander Leaves-few
To Temper:
  • Curry Leaves-few
  • Mustard- 1 Tspn
  • Oil- 2 Tspn


  1. Bake,peel and cut as half the egg and keep aside.
  2. In a separate pan, pour oil and add all the items under To Temper.
  3. After the mustard spilts, add the onion,ginger garlic paste and asafetida and sort until the raw smell goes off completely.
  4. Add the sliced tomato and chili,coriander and turmeric powder and sort well for about 5-10 minutes until the masala gets well into the curry.
  5. Now, add the sliced baked eggs into this and sort again just to mix the egg into the curry and garnish with coriander leaves.


"While grinding the coconut it should be thick paste and do not grind as a coconut milk.

You could use either yeast or yeast water for the batter.

Do not use yeast more than the said measurement as it will spoil the taste of Appam.

In mutta curry after adding the eggs,do not sort it for long time as it may smudge the eggs into the curry."

Friday 22 March 2013

Dill Leaves Pulav

Hope many of us know about the Dill leaves, it is absolutely perfect for Women health and I would call it as an Herb perfectly because of the nutritious facts in it. Most people use it as a spice or even as a curry. It’s wonderful source of many vitamin and iron and helps mostly for women to regularize the ovulation and even after pregnancy as it offers you 0.1 mg of zinc per ounce which helps breast milk secretion in new mothers. In India, dill is known as shepu in Marathi and Konkani, savaa or menthulu in Hindi or soa in Punjabi. In Telugu, it is called methulu and Methi-kura (for herb greens). It is also called sabbasige soppu in Kannada. In Tamil it is known as sada kuppi .In Malayalam, it is chathakuppa or sathakuppa. In Gujrati, it is known as hariz.


Few Nutritious Facts:
  • Folic Acid: Folic acid, along with vitamin B12, is important for formation of red blood cells
  • Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)- Helps in maintaining the health of nerve and muscle cells
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B-2)- helps in the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar, which fuels the body function. It can also serve as antioxidant, which slackens the pace of ageing.
  • Vitamin-C: helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents
  • Vitamin-A: for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is essential for good eye-sight
  • Calcium: Helps to Promotes strong bones, lowers blood pressure
  • Good source of Iron and Zinc
  • Manganese- plays a vital role in reproduction and bone growth
So, I think nothing more is needed to explain the benefits of dill leaves. If you are fond of pulavs and variety rice why not try out this dill leaves pulav it’s a very unique recipe precisely made in Karnataka. I learned making this way from my kannadiga friend and thanks to her as well :).


  • Basmathi Rice- 1 Cup
  • Dill Leaves- ½ Cup
  • Peas-1/4 Cup
  • Onion-1
  • Ginger garlic paste- ½ Tspn
  • Green chillies-4 Nos
  • Coconut milk- ½ Cup
  • Turmeric Powder-1/4 Tspn
  • Coriander Powder-1 Tspn
  • Shredded coconut-1/4 Cup
  • Garam Masala-1/2 Tspn
  • Salt-To Taste
  • Jaggery- a Pinch
  • Oil- 2 Tspn
  • Fennel Seeds-1/2 Tspn
  • Bay Leaves-few
  • Cloves- 2 nos
  • Roasted Peanuts- few
  • Mustard- 1 Tspn
  • Red Chilies- 2 Nos
  • Cumin Seeds- ½ Tspn

  • Cook rice with coconut milk and water for 2 whistles and set aside to cool
  • In a pan, heat oil and add all the ingredients under “To Temper”.
  • Add sliced onion, green chilies, ginger garlic paste and turmeric powder and cook until the onion becomes translucent.
  • Add the dill leaves, peas and shredded coconut to it and stir for 2 minutes.
  • Now add the coriander, garam masala powder,salt and stir occasionally to let the raw smell goes off completely from it.
  • Pour little water to it and cook covered just to bake the dill leaves for about 5-10 minutes and add jaggery.
  • After it gets thickened add the cooked dill leaves to the cooked rice and mix well.


"You can use ghee instead of oil which gives a rich taste.

You can add a teaspoon of lemon juice at the last, which also adds an extra taste.

Adding jaggery is optional however it adds a good taste to the pulav."

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Meen Kulambu

I know I am bit late to post this recipe in my blog, Thanks to Divya to remind me about this and I dedicate this to her :) The name itself is enough and still I don’t think would need an introduction. Hope you all would tried and liked making my kerala fish curry here is my Tamil Nadu meen kulambu. I just really love to have this as its high spicy curry with more tamarind and its completely different from the Kerala fish curry. One most important fact about meen kulambu is, it tastes great when you have it after atleast 4-5 hours after making it as the curry will get thickens more and all the masala will get in it well.Meen kulambu are awesome when it’s served with hot rice. It tastes heavenly doesn’t matter with any fish types.


  • Any Fish pieces- Half pound
  • Garlic pods-5 Nos
  • Small Onion-5-10 nos
  • Green Chilies- 4 Nos
  • Turmeric Powder- ¼ Tspn
  • Chilly Powder- 2 Tspn
  • Coriander Powder- 1 Tspn
To Temper:
  • Sesame Oil- 2 Tspn
  • Fenugreek Seeds- 1 Tspn
  • Manathakkali(Optional)-2 Tspn
  • Mustard- 1 Tspn
  • Curry Leaves- 10 nos
  • Tamarind Extract- Half Cup (Thick)


  1. In a bowl, Smash the tomato in the tamarind extract along with chili, turmeric and coriander powder and keep aside.
  2. In a pan, heat oil and add all the temper ingredients. After the curry leaves splits add the green chilies, garlic and sort until it becomes soft.
  3. Add the smashed tamarind extract and if needed add some more chili powder and let it boils for about 5 minutes.
  4. Now add the fish pieces to this and cook covered for about 5 minutes. After 5 minutes cook it uncovered until the gravy gets thickens.


"Manathakali is optional however if you add it will enhance the taste of the curry.

Keep medium flame when the curry starts thickening and do not switch off until the curry thickens which is the important factor."

Beetroot Halwa

I am one among the one who hates beetroot but to my wonder I liked beetroot halwa very much, after it’s made when tasted it doesn’t have any essence of beetroot in it and just loved it. Its similar to carrot halwa. Hope you all too love the taste and here is my recipe for it. You could use a food processor to chop so that your job becomes easy.


  • Beetroot sliced- 2 Cup
  • Sugar- 1 Cup
  • Milk- 2 Cup
  • Ghee- 4 Tspn
  • Cashews-4-5 nos
  • Cardomom powdered- ½ Tspn

  1. Heat pan, add the sliced beetroot and sort for 2 minutes just to take off the beetroot raw smell and keep aside.
  2. Pressure cooker the beetroot adding the milk for 1 whistle and cook again opening it for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add sugar to it and sort until it becomes thick.
  4. In a separate pan, heat ghee roast the cashews and add this to the cooked beetroot and mix well.
  5. Add the powdered cardamom and transfer to serving bowl.


"Keep the flame low while adding the cashew and cardamom powder to avoid sticking at the bottom.

Always serve after the halwa cools down completely as it gets more thickened."

Friday 15 March 2013

Chocolate Strawberry Roll Cake

I just really love this delicious, light and spongy cake!!! That too the most beauty and the unique factor about this cake is that we don’t use the flour to make. I can understand your anxiety to know how this is made :). I still remember the day I got lot of applause from my BF as he really liked this roll cake very much!! It involves a little more work however, after you are done with it, you will really forget about all and just love to have it. As it is a roll, it’s a little tedious to get the rite shape.

This taste great and just melts in your mouth. It has two sections one with the chocolate and the other one for the strawberry cream filling. It tastes delicious if you store in refrigerator and have. Follow the instruction given under the initial specifications carefully, as you can get the rite cake only with the correct usage of the parchment paper used (as picture seen below). For your better understanding I have given lot of step by step pictures to make your work easy.

Initial Specifications:
  • Temperature- 350 degrees F (180 degrees C)
  • Time: 15-18 Minutes (Depends on your oven)
  • Butter a 17 by 12 inch (43 x 30 cm) sheet pan-Line the pan with parchment paper and then butter and flour the paper.


For chocolate batter:

  • Eggs- 6
  • Chocolate powder-half cup
  • Sugar- ¼ Cup
  • Vanilla extract- 1 Tspn
For Strawberry Cream:
  • Heavy Whipped Cream- 1 Cup
  • Vanilla extract- ¼ Tspn
  • Sugar- 3 Tspn
  • Strawberry Jam- ¼ Cup

Making Chocolate Batter:


  • Mix the chocolate powder with little hot water and keep aside as shown.

  • Separate egg white and the yolks in different bowls and keep aside(Step 1)
  • With hand mixer or electric, beat the egg yolk along with all the ingredients under the chocolate batter in high speed for about 6 minutes to make it very thick and fluffy and raise and keep aside(Step 2,3 and 4)
  • Now, beat the egg whites with sugar(1 tspn) in high speed for about 5 minutes until it becomes fluffy as seen in (Step 5 and 6)
  • Add the melted chocolate to this and beat again for about a minute and keep separate(Step 7 and 8)
  • Mix both the yolk batter and the white batter with a ladle and keep aside (Step 9)
Making Strawberry Cream:


  • Heat the jam and allow it to cool for sometime
  • In a bowl,beat the whipped cream in high speed for about 5 minutes along with the ingredients given below for strawberry cream except the jam.It forms as a thick cream(STEP 1 and 2)
  • Add the jam to the cream and beat again for about 2 minutes and keep aside (STEP 3 and 4)
Pour the chocolate batter in the baking tray and bake till the time said.


Rolling the Cake:


  • After its baked well, now comes the tedious step of rolling the cake. Its very easy if you handle the parchment paper properly. So, to stat with, allow the chocolate tray to cool. Once it becomes cool, insert a knife or a ladle at the bottom of it just to lift and loosen it as shown
  • Do not take off the parchment paper as it’s the only source for us to hold and roll the cake.
  • Remove the chocolate baked sheet to a flat surface along with the parchment paper at the bottom
  • Pour the prepared strawberry cream and spread it all over it.
  • Start from one end of the cake, holding with both the hands the parchment paper and slowly roll it as seen.
  • Before you reach the end of the cake, transfer to a plate and finish rolling it.
  • Once it’s done, dust the cake with powdered sugar.
  • Its better not to serve immediately after its made, as the cream will not be thick and its hard to cut into pieces hence store in refrigerator as it will tighten the cream inside the cake.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Ari Puttu and Kadala Curry

Here comes the most traditional recipe of kerala. Making a rite taste puttu is the challenge however you could do it if using the proper rice powder for it. The traditional way how my Amma use to make is, by frying the raw rice in a heavy bottomed pan for some time till the rice turns crispy and then grinding it coarsely to a fine powder, precisely I know its tedious, but it gives you the excellent taste. So, if you like to go ahead with time consuming process you could use the normal rice powder or the puttu podi available in the stores.The most important thing you need to make puttu is the “puttu kalam” the below one


If you don’t have one, you can cook it in the normal idly cooker as well. I have given you the picture to let you know about the filling for your better understanding. Puttu are different types, let me first give you the simplest Ari puttu and later will provide you more kinds like with wheat puttu and so. The best combination for the recipe is Kadala curry or banana or papad.


  • Puttu Podi / Fried Rice Powder- 2 Cup
  • Grated coconut- 1 Cup
  • Salt-To taste
  • Warm Water- ½ Cup


  • Sprinkle warm water to the Puttu Podi / Fried Rice Powder and keep aside for about 10 minutes just to soften it.
  • Kneed the powder slowly and form a coarse powder or till u can make lumps when you clasp but which can be easily crumbled and let some moisture remains in it.
  • At first, you need to fill the puttu kudam with water and let it boil for sometime.
  • Pour the powder into the half of the puttu kutti as shown, followed by grated coconut and again the rice powder.

  • Place the kutti to the kalam and cook with the cover for about 20 minutes.
  • Push slowly from the puttu kutti to outward so that it comes out easily.
Kadala Curry:

This is the first and best combination for a perfect puttu. You can use the black channa or the white channa to make this curry.



  • Black Channa- 1 Cup(Soaked overnight)
  • Tomato-1
  • Onion-1
  • Green chillies-2 Nos
  • Ginger garlic paste-1/4 Tspn
  • Chilli powder-1 Tspn
  • Coriander Powder-1 Tspn
  • Turmeric powder-1/2 Tspn
  • Coconut Milk- ¼ Cup
  • Curry Leaves-few
  • Salt-To taste
  • Oil-To temper

  • Pressure cook the soaked black channa for 3 whsistles and keep aside.
  • In a pan,pour oil,add mustard and curry leaves, when it splits add onion,ginger garlic paste aand green chillies and sauté for few minutes.
  • Add tomatoes and saute again. Now add the cooked black channa followed by chilly,coriander and turmeric powder and sauté well until the masala smell goes off completely.
  • Now add the coconut milk and cook until the water gets dried off completely from the channa.
  • Transfer to the bowl and serve with hot puttu.


"Adding ginger garlic paste is optional in making kadala curry.

While kneading you could also add a tspn of sugar which gives a extra taste.

You can also add asafetida a bit while tempering to add aroma to the kadala curry."

Horse Gram Thogaiyal/Chutney

Horse gram, I know its tough to have this, but if you know the benefits of having, you will definitely like to have. Horse gram is an excellent source of Iron and it is consumed as a whole seed, as sprouts, or as whole meal in India, popular especially in southern Indian states. Horse grams are called by different names in different languages say like In Hindi- Kulthi,Bengali- Kulthikalai,Tamil- Kollu, Telugu-Ulavalu or Guggillu,Kannada-Hurule,Oriya-Kolatha,Gujrati-Kadthi Ni Dal.The most important tip for those who are trying to reduce the weight can consume horse gram daily as it burns the fat and help to loss excess weight.

Few Nutritious Facts:

  • Energy
  • Proteins
  • No Fat
  • Minerals
  • Fiber
  • Carbohydrates
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorous
  • Iron
So here is my horse gram chutney recipe, you can have it with chapathi or even with rice, as it tastes good and healthy as well.


  • Horse Gram-1 Cup(Soak it overnight)
  • Small Onion- 4-5 nos
  • Garlic- 3 Nos
  • Red Chilies- 3-4 Nos
  • Coriander seeds- 1 Tspn
  • Whole pepper-1/2 Tspn
  • Cumin Seeds- ½ Tspn
  • Tomato-half
  • Turmeric Powder-1/2
  • Salt-To taste
  • Mustard- ½ Tspn
  • Curry leaves- few
  • Oil


  • Pressure cook the soaked horse gram for 3 whistles and keep aside.
  • Pour oil and heat the pan, add all the ingredients and roast till the onion becomes translucent.
  • Let it be cool and grind to fine paste
  • In a separate pan, pour little oil, add the mustard and curry leaves after it splits up add it to the taste.


"You can also add asafetida a bit while roasting all other ingredients which gives a nice aroma to the chutney.

Adding mustard and curry leaves is also optional step."

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Drumstick Chicken

I would definitely agree that it’s not a unique recipe, however the sauce prepared along with this chicken is real unique. It taste great along with the sauce and it’s pretty easy as well. The key ingredient used here is the bread crumbs. The bread crumbs used here should be real soft, as using hard bread crumbs will turn the chicken so hard as well. I have given few step pictures for your better understanding.


  • Oil-To Deep Fry
  • Bread Crumbs- 2 Tspn
  • Corn flour powder (diluted)-1/4 Cup
For Baking Chicken:
  • Drumstick chicken pieces (Leg pieces)- 5
  • Ginger garlic paste-1 Tspn
  • Salt-To taste
  • Soya Sauce-1 Tspn
  • Chili Sauce- 1 Tspn
  • Vinegar- ½ Tspn
  • Tomato Sauce- 1 Tspn
  • Pepper Powder- 1 Tspn
  • Turmeric powder-1/4 Tspn
For Frying:
  • Maida- 1 Tspn
  • Egg- 1
  • Ginger garlic-1/2 Tspn
  • Pepper powder-1 Tspn
  • Turmeric powder-1/4 Tspn


Sauce Preparation:

  • In a pot, bake by adding all the items under “for baking chicken” list with little water and cook covered with a lid
  • After the chicken is baked well, separate the chicken and the left over water and keep both separate,
  • Heat the pan, add the left over baked water, when it starts boiling immediately stir adding the corn flour diluted so that it will it will starts thickening. Within few minutes after adding the corn flour diluted the sauce will be thick.
Frying Chicken:

  • In a bowl, mix all the items under “for frying” and dip the baked chicken into this as seen below.

  • Immediately coat the dipped chicken with breadcrumbs as seen.

  • Drop the coated chicken into the hot oil and deep fry. Flip both the sides, transfer to paper towel to remove excess oil if any.


"Do not bake the chicken uncovered as it will dry up the water and so no water will be left out for making sauce.

Start the dipping process only after the chicken gets cooled, else it may get smudged while making."

Kumbakonam Vatha Kuzhambu

Kumbakonam is famous for many authentic vegetarian dishes especially the vathal kuzhambu taste awesome.There are times I tried making but not came out well. However,after few trials, I got the right texture with rite taste. The best combination of rice with vatha kuzhambu is sutta apalamThe most important ingredient for making kumbakonam vatha kuzhambu is athiri,sundaikai,Mangai,Manatha thakkali and also the tamarind extract used should be too thick so you should add a bid gooseberry size tamarind But its not necessary to include all these vathals, but indeed it’s a vathal kuzhambu :)

  • All Vathals(as mentioned above)-few
  • Very thick tamarind extract-1 Cup
  • Shallots- 5-6
  • Garlic-5 pieces
  • Tomato-1 sliced
  • Sesame oil-2 Tspn
  • Fenugreek seeds-1/2 Tspn
  • Turmeric Powder-1/4 Tspn
  • Mustard-few
  • Curry leaves-few
  • Salt-To Taste.
To Grind:
  • Urad dal- 1/2 Tbsp
  • Red chillies - 5
  • Coriander -1 Tbsp
  • Chana dal-1/2 Tbsp
  • Cumin seeds – few


  • Soak all the vathals in hot water for 10 minutes. This removes the impurities if any.
  • In a pan, add all the items under To Grind. Dry roast it and grind to a fine powder and keep aside.
  • In another pan, add oil and temper with mustard, curry leaves, fenugreek and all the vathals and saute well for few minutes.
  • Add onions, garlic and saute again, when onion turns soft add the sliced tomatoes and saute again for few minutes.
  • Add the extracted tamarind water and turmeric powder and the grounded powder. Let it boil until the curry starts thickening. Transfer to serving bowl and serve hot.

"You can add extra chili powder if you want the curry more spicy."

Vazhaipoo Poriyal/Banana Blossom Dry Curry

In India, we never waste any part of a banana tree, the stem, flowers and even the leaves and they are much seen in any festivals celebrated at home. Rite from packing foods, the leaves are used in cooking foods and serving food too. If you find some one’s house gate is tied in India with banana trees it’s a sign of celebration there. I would call the banana tree as one of the God’s most precious creature. Even in Caribbean,Mexican Indonesian, Malaysian, and Singaporean cuisines they use the banana leaves in cooking.


Few Nutritious Factors:

  • Dietary fibers
  • Unsaturated fatty acids
  • Proteins
  • Rich in vitamin E(Skin and health care)
  • Flavonoids (can also referred as Vitamin P)- flavonoids are reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, and stroke.
The most vital part in a banana tree used in cooking is the flowers the banana blossom. We can make use of vazhaipoo to cook different dishes. Many of the adults doesn’t like this recipe as they think that it taste bitter but if you cook it in rite way and if all the bitter taste goes off, it really tastes so good. The tedious process in this is the cleaning part, as it takes long time. Use the water used while washing the rice to wash the banana flowers too as it will take off all the impurities and leaves the flowers fresh.


  • Banana Flowers-a Bunch
  • Shredded coconut-Half Cup
  • Turmeric powder-1/4 Tspn
  • Sambar Powder-1/2 Tspn
  • Salt-To Taste
To Temper:
  • Oil-1 Tspn
  • Mustard-few
  • Urud dal-few
  • Curry Leaves


  • Remove the stamen and the sheath from the flower (the black head and the outer thin cover).

  • Immense the flowers into curd or buttermilk overnight to remove the bitter taste and also to minimize the blackening effect and cut into small pieces.
  • In a pan, pour little oil and add all the items under To Temper list followed by onion and sauté for few minutes.
  • Add the banana flowers, salt into this and sauté again for few seconds with low flame and pour water into this and cook covered with a lid.
  • After the flower baked well, add turmeric, sambar powder, and asafetida and sauté for few more minutes so that the bitter taste will go off completely.
  • Mix coconut to this and sauté for few more minutes.
"You can replace with a bit of chili and coriander powder for using sambar powder

You can immense the flowers for 2 hours also, but by doing overnight gives a complete relief from bitterness."