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Tuesday 19 March 2013

Beetroot Halwa

I am one among the one who hates beetroot but to my wonder I liked beetroot halwa very much, after it’s made when tasted it doesn’t have any essence of beetroot in it and just loved it. Its similar to carrot halwa. Hope you all too love the taste and here is my recipe for it. You could use a food processor to chop so that your job becomes easy.


  • Beetroot sliced- 2 Cup
  • Sugar- 1 Cup
  • Milk- 2 Cup
  • Ghee- 4 Tspn
  • Cashews-4-5 nos
  • Cardomom powdered- ½ Tspn

  1. Heat pan, add the sliced beetroot and sort for 2 minutes just to take off the beetroot raw smell and keep aside.
  2. Pressure cooker the beetroot adding the milk for 1 whistle and cook again opening it for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add sugar to it and sort until it becomes thick.
  4. In a separate pan, heat ghee roast the cashews and add this to the cooked beetroot and mix well.
  5. Add the powdered cardamom and transfer to serving bowl.


"Keep the flame low while adding the cashew and cardamom powder to avoid sticking at the bottom.

Always serve after the halwa cools down completely as it gets more thickened."


  1. It sounds easy, planning to try. One quick thing about the 1st step. Do I need to add oil or ghee?

  2. @Anonymous:Thanks for your comments..Do try and let me know the outcome and queries if you have any.In 1st step you could just sort the sliced beetroot without adding oil or ghee just to remove the raw smell in it.
