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Monday 29 April 2013

Home Made Doughnuts

Anyone will go crazy if see a hot Doughnut dipped in hot chocolate or with a sugar glaze!!. I was surprised to see the doughnut making process in one of the doughnut shop here at US which tempted me to make it at “My Kitchen”! It’s ultimately easy to make tasty doughnuts without a doughnut maker. The only point to remember is home made donuts should be served on the same day or the next day after made as it may turn more soft and non crispy. There are different types in it, like the sugar, chocolate. My favourite is always the plain one. Chocolate donuts are loved especially by the kids.

The most important factor in making the donut is about the temperature of the oil as it should not be too hot or with less hot. As too much of hot will break the donut and doesn’t properly cook the inner part and if the oil is low heat it observes lot of oil and taste bad. You could decorate your doughnuts in what ever way you want it :)


  • All purpose flour – 2 Cups
  • Sugar- 2 Cups
  • Eggs- 2
  • Ground nut powder – ¼ Cup
  • Vanilla Extract- 1 Tspn
  • Baking powder- 2 Tspn
  • Melted and cooled to room temperature Butter- ¼ Tspn
  • Milk- ½ Cup
  • Salt- ½ Tspn

Chocolate Glaze:

  • Chocolate Powder- 100 Grams
  • Heavy Cream-1/2 Cup
  • Melted hot Butter- 2 Tspn
  • Vanilla extract-1/2 Tspn
  • Icing Sugar- 1 ½ Cup
Sugar Glaze:

  • Icing Sugar- ½ Cup
  • Cinnamon Powder-1/2 Tspn


  • In a bowl, mix the all purpose flour, Ground nut powder, Baking powder and salt and keep aside (Step 1)
  • In another separate bowl, beat the sugar and the egg to high speed for about 2 minutes(Step 2)
  • After it raises, add the milk, melted butter and the mixed flour in 3 additions and beat it again for about 3 minutes just to form dough (Step 3)
  • It forms a sticky dough at this time as shown in (Step 4 & 5)
  • Keep the sticky dough for about 20 minutes.
  • After the said time, work with the dough adding more flours to it to form a thick dough as shown as (Step 6).
Shaping It:

  • Roll the dough with the rolling pin and flatten the dough.
  • With the help of a cookie cutter or with a lid as I used in the picture you can cut the dough to get the shape.
  • Place the dough pieces (after cutting) in the tray spread by the flour.
  • In the hot oil (Oil should be moderate heat) gently drop the dough and flip both sides to cook carefully until its cooked well inside and turns brown.
  • Transfer the Doughnuts to the paper towel and let it cools down.

For Chocolate Doughnuts:

  • Mix the ingredients under Chocolate glaze and keep aside
  • Doughnuts should be gently dipped in the glaze prepared after it becomes cool.
For Sugar Glaze:

  • Mix the ingredients under Sugar glaze and keep aside.
  • After the Doughnuts cool completely, dust with the mixed sugar.


  1. Your home made doughnut recipe is a great fit for me!

  2. Thank you for your visit and comment :)
