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Tuesday 25 June 2013

Jam Sandwich Cookie

I seriously fall in love with these jams packed sandwich cookies!! Jam Sandwiches are a buttery, sweet treat made by pressing two cookies together with (you guessed it) jam. It has a unique taste as it is packed with jam at the center. Anyone would definitely like these cookies especially the kids. Perfect for celebration or a vacation time.The making of the cookie is very easy however the most time takes when you are assembling it. The most important factor in making this cookie is the dough as it should be hard enough and not soft. So, to make it hard, you need to keep the dough in refrigerator at least for 45 minutes, or you can keep the dough for 2,3 days and can make it when ever you want.

I made these cookies stuffing it with fruit jam, which adds extra taste to the cookie. You can store these cookies in the air tight boxes for a month also however stuffing the jam in the cookie should be done only when you are going to serve them, as it may make the cookies crispy.My BF really enjoyed it and so, are you ready to treat your dear ones!! :)

  • All purpose flour – 1 ½ Cup
  • Almond Powdered- 1 Cup
  • Ground cinnamon – ½ Tspn
  • Lemon Zest(refer basics of baking)- few
  • Vanilla extract- 1 Tspn
  • Butter – ¾ Cup
  • Sugar – ½ Cup
  • Eggs- 2
  • Salt- ¼ Tspn
  • Jam- 1/4 Cup
  • Icing Sugar-1/4 Cup

Initial Requirements:
  • Temperature:350 Degrees F(180 Degree C)
  • Time:25- 30 Minutes
  • Pan Used: Cookie making pan wrapped with parchment paper or a wax paper.

  • Mix the all purpose flour,ground cinnamon,lemon zest and keep aside (Step 4)
  • Beat the butter in medium speed for a minute (Step 1)
  • Add sugar to it and beat again for 2-3 minutes (Step 2)
  • Add vanilla extract and the egg to it and beat again for a minute (Step 3)
  • Add powdered almond and the mixed flour to it and beat for about 2 minutes, do not beat for long time as it may loosen the dough.
  • Work with the dough just like making chappathi dough with a rolling pin, and spread it flat and roll it with a plastic cover and keep it in refrigerator
  • for about half an hour to tighten the dough.

Assembling the cookie:

  • If you find the cookies are becoming soft while, placing them in the baking sheets keep it back in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes to chill the dough. This will prevent the cookies from spreading and losing their shape
  • Once the dough becomes hard, flatten it again using your hand gently, care should be taken as it may break into pieces.
  • Cut the cookies by using the heart shaped cookie cutter for some of the cookies.
  • Use a smaller cookie cutter to cut out the centers of half for rest of the shaped cookies
  • Place both the cookies in the pan, wrapped with parchment paper.
  • Bake it for about 30 minutes or until the sides becomes brown.
  • Place the baked cookies on a baking sheet and dust the tops with icing sugar.
  • Spread a thin layer of jam on the bottom surface of the full cookie (top of cookie will face out).
  • Place the cut-out cookie on top and gently sandwich them together.
  • Using a spoon fill the cut-out with a little more jam to cover the hole.

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