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Tuesday 12 November 2013

Kaadai/(Quail) Roast(Restaurant Style)

If you are a regular visitor for Anjappar restaurants in Tamil Nadu, iam sure you would have tested this. They serve the kaadai roast and it tastes so good that every non-vegeterians will fall in love with that. I haven’t tried this, and for me I know about kaadai only through my best buddy. In India, in southern parts, it’s easy to get, however if you stay at other countries you can try getting these at some fresh meat stores, I got it from Sprouts and as I said I never tried making it, got this recipe from my friend and it just tasted so good.

Quails are nothing but small birds and it tastes more like chicken, but this has more bones in it. Hence, whenever you get it, try getting large quails as it may have little more flesh than the smaller or thinner ones. You could make a biriyani or a curry out of this, but I like the quail when it’s roasted with pepper and our Indian masala powders. Just try this, and surprise your dear ones.. here you go with the making :)

  • Kaadai(Quail)-3 Nos
  • Small onions- 4-5 nos(finely chopped)
  • Green Chilies- 3 Nos
  • Garlic crushed- 2-3 pods
  • Chili Powder- 1/2 Tspn
  • Coriander Powder- 1/2 Tspn
  • Turmeric Powder-1/4 Tspn
  • Garam Masala- 1/2 Tspn
  • Ginger crushed- 1 inch

To Marinate:
  • Curd-2 Tspn
  • Chili Powder- 1/2 Tspn
  • Coriander Powder- 1/2 Tspn
  • Turmeric Powder-1/4 Tspn
  • Garam Masala- 1/2 Tspn
  • Pepper Powder- 1 Tspn
For Seasoning:
  • Oil- 6 Tspn(preferably mustard oil)
  • Curry Leaves- few
  • Cloves- 2 nos
  • Bay leaves- 1
  • Fennel Seeds- 1 Tspn


  • Marinate the quails with all the ingredients under "To marinate" and keep at least for ½ an hour.
  • In a separate pan, add oil and add all the ingredients under "for seasoning". Add small onions, green chilies and sauté until it becomes translucent.
  • Add the crushed garlic and ginger and then add the chili, coriander and turmeric powder and sauté well.
  • Add the cleaned quails and cook covered for about 10 minutes, now open the lid, and cook again.
  • Add salt and lower the flame and let it get fried in the pan; give out a stir in intervals until it turns dry.

"Don’t compromise on the oil, as if it’s cooked with less oil, it may not turn so crisp.

You can also add little coconut, but it’s purely optional."

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