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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Pearl Millet Rice / Kambu Kali and Kambu Koozh

I think this is a 100% recipe which is eligible to be at this page, Kambu kali is very famous in most of Tamil Nadu families, it’s extremely healthiest food and to be consumed especially during summer. The proper way of making the kali is getting the pearl millet as a whole and grinding it to a coarse powder to use, but unfortunately I don’t get the whole millet hence I used the flour in making. It tastes great when you have it Karuvatu Kuzambu or with any fish curry. Try making this with a erumbu karande or a wooden ladle to make it, as it’s really little hard to stir well. Here are some of the nutritious facts which I have gathered a few information from the internet for the readers.

You can make the kambu Koozh too as, it tastes great as its made with buttermilk. If you are too busy in the mornings to make breakfasts then these foods are a good choice, as its easy to make and a healthiest food to make you stay refreshed for the whole day. I still remember the person who sells the kambu koozh in many places near temples. Especially while we roam a lot in the Indian summer, when you have the kambu koozh you feel like heaven, it makes the body cool than you having a cold beverage.

Few Nutritious Facts:

  • Millets are a great source of starch, protein and fiber. It is said that the amino acids in the pearl millet are more easily digestible than the ones found in wheat.
  • Rich in methionine (an amino acid), B complex vitamins (niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin), folic acid, lecithin, potassium, magnesium, manganese and zinc as it lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks.
  • Pearl millet is a rich source of phosphorus, which plays an important part in the structure of body cells. This element is also a crucial component of nucleic acids, which are the building blocks of the genetic code. Rich in phosphorus is a constituent such as cell membranes and nervous system structures.
  • Recent studies have proven that regular consumption of pearl millets help in preventing gallstones in women. They contain insoluble fibers which not only speed up intestinal transit time but also reduce the secretion of bile acids. Pearl millets are known to increase insulin sensitivity and lower the level of triglycerides.
  • Regular intake of millets provides protection against breast cancer in pre-menopausal women. Apart from that, it has also shown a considerable reduction in the occurrence of wheezing and asthma in children.
  • Millets contain an essential phytonutrient, lignin, which is very beneficial for the human body. With the help of natural flora, lignans get converted to mammalian lignans and they fight against hormone-dependent cancers and reduce the risk of cardiac arrests.
  • Consumption of pearl millets helps in minimizing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Being a good source of magnesium, millets act as a cofactor in a number of enzymatic reactions.

Kambu Kali:

  • Kambu Flour- ½ Cup
  • Any cooked Rice (Except raw rice)-1/2 Cup
  • Water- 3 Cups
  • Salt- As needed


  • In the boiling water add the kambu flour and stir it and let that cooked well
  • In the same pan, add the cooked rice  and smash it all together 
  • Add the required salt and make as large balls(after it sets cool). Serve hot with desired curry or chutney
Kambu Koozh:

  • Cooked Kambu Kali or Cooked kambu (cooled): ½ Cup
  • Butter Milk- ½ Cup
  • Green Chilies- 2 sliced
  • Small Onions- 4 Nos Sliced
  • Curry Leaves-Few
  • Coriander Leaves- Few

  • Whip up the buttermilk and mix it with all the ingredients and keep it in refrigerator for atleast 10 mins.
  • Serve cool with raw onions.

"While making kambu kali, stir continuously with a ladle to avoid lumps.

In making kambu koozh, whipping up the buttermilk is very important as it tastes good.

You can add a tspn of curd in the kambu koozh as it gives an extra taste."

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