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Friday 13 December 2013


Kinnathappam is very popular traditional sweet cake widely prepared in North Malabar especially in Kannur. Kinnam refers to a shallow copper or steel vessel in malayalam. It’s one of a mouthwatering recipe as it is prepared out of rice grounded with coconut milk with mix of ghee and sugar gives you a ultimate treat for your taste buds. This is the first time I prepared it and it turned out so tasty. It may look tedious but it’s very simple to make and serve. The traditional way of making a Kinnathappam is in a uruli or a bronze vessel. But unfortunately I don’t have any of these here with me. I tried with the round baking tray. So if you have any of those then you are good to do.

Some may not use egg in it, but the version I made has egg in it, which gives you an extra taste and it makes the Appam spongier as well. You can grind the rice in mixie/blender however if you do it in grinder it gives you the best result.It is one of a favorite dish which is often made in Malabar families. This has two different versions one with a jaggery and other with sugar, The one I presented here is the sugar kinnathappam. I am very excited to present you all this unique Malabar recipe for my readers hope you all try and like it too.


  • Raw Rice- 1 Cup
  • Sugar- 1 1/2 Cup
  • Coconut Milk-Thick Milk (Onnaam Paal)- 2 Cups
  • Crushed cardamom- few
  • Cumin seeds- 1 Tspn
  • Egg- 1
  • Ghee- 2-3 Tspn.


  • Soak the raw rice for atleast 5 hours and grind it to fine paste adding 1 cup of coconut milk and keep it separate.
  • In a blender, add egg,sugar and another 1 cup of coconut milk and blend it well.
  • Add the blended egg mixture to the rice paste and mix well.
  • Add the crushed cardamom and pour it to the pan.After pouring to the pan sprinkle the cumin seeds to it and keep it in steamer (use idly cooker if you have) for 20 minutes.
  • Check after 20 minutes by pricking a toothpick at the center to it, if it comes out clean then its done. After it set cool transfer to a plate.

"While grinding the rice, do not pour the coconut milk all at once; instead add it in regular intervals.

Steaming time may differ, hence check at regularly while its steaming."


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