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Tuesday 21 January 2014

Paneer Gulab Jamun

I bet anyone who tasted a gulab jamun would fall in love again and again with it and I don’t think I have any more to write here. It’s a fact that most of the housewives makes it for celebrations however only few gets the right texture.Some of the common wrong factors would be like smaller in size, not baked completely at the center of it or the softness. To make perfect jamuns there are two options one,by the readymade gulab jamun mix or with help of homemade paneer. I would take the second choice as my preference because, it tastes great than you prepare with the readymade mix.

Last year, when I posted the Rasa Gulla recipe , I never thought I can make a better paneer gulab jamun too :) My BF is a big time lover of gulab jamuns and I make for him often and its tastes heavenly when you mix it with ice cream too. Every time I make I get the same taste because of the homemade paneer. You can check how to make the homemade paneer at Rasa Gulla. Again, it’s your choice if you like to go with the store bought paneer or a homemade. Here you go with the making.


  • Paneer( Kept at room temperature)- 1 cup
  • Maida/All-purpose Flour - 2.5 Tspn
  • Baking Soda - 1/4 Tspn
  • Pistachios or cashews - 1/2 Tspn chopped
  • Cardamom Powder- ¼ Tspn
  • Milk- 3 Tspn
  • Water- As needed
  • Ghee/Oil - To deep fry.

For the Sugar Syrup:

  • Sugar - 1 heaped cup
  • Water - 1 cup
  • Saffron - few
  • Rose Essence - 2 drops


To Make Sugar Syrup:

  • Add the water and sugar and boil at high flame for about 10 minutes, after 10 mins, reduce the flame to medium flame and let it stand in the flame for 10 more minutes.
  • Bring it to the texture that it should stick between two fingers firmly.
  • Add the rose essence and switch off the flame and let it cool completely.
To Make Jamun:

  • Kneed the paneer to fine powder.
  • Add the maida or all-purpose flour, baking soda, cardamom powder and kneed gently by adding the milk and sufficient water to make smooth soft dough.
  • Cover it and keep it for about 10 minutes for the dough to set.
  • Now, make small balls out of the dough with little pressure to prevent breakage.
  • In a boiling ghee or oil, add the paneer balls and fry until it becomes golden brown.
  • Transfer to a paper towel and set dry.
  • After it’s cooled down completely, dip the balls to the cooled sugar syrup.
  • Spread the chopped cashews/ Pistachios to it and let it stand for at least an hour.


"Do not add the jamun immediately to the sugar syrup after you keep deep fry.

While kneading the dough, add adequate water, if the water is not appropriately used it may break.

Do not fry the paneer for more time in the oil as it may turn hard.

Make sure you have adequate sugar syrup for the jamun, as it will absorb immediately.

You can store in the jamun in the refrigerator for a week also.

While kneading the dough, touch your fingers with oil or ghee to prevent sticking."


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