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Friday 9 May 2014

Whole chicken Masala Fry

I was thinking to post this recipe from a very long time. This is one of the best and unique chicken as its cooked as whole with all the masala. When I got the recipe from my Amma I wasn't very sure if I get as tasty as my Amma does because I was much confused if it will get cooked well in the center of the chicken,however I just followed the exact instruction from her and I was very much surprised that it was very similar like hers. She does it just like in short time and its one of my favorite from her cookbook. My Bf tasted it for the first time and he became a fan too :) I made this with the Cornish hen which is available in most supermarkets ( if its frozen you may have to put it in the hot water until it becomes smooth). As I made with the cornish I didn't attempted to clean anything inside the chicken.

If you are using the fresh organic chicken then you have to clean it well inside and outside with turmeric and salt and you can step into making it. The only difficult part in this case would be the cleaning and the main factor involved here is the patience, as we want all the sides to cook properly it takes a little more time than the usual chicken recipes. But one thing I can assure you is well, “the taste”. Yes, definitely you will never compromise on making something else once you tasted thie whole chicken masala fry. Here comes the making :)


To Marinate:

  • Chili Powder- 3 Tspn
  • Coriander Powder- 4 Tspn
  • Salt- To Taste
  • Turmeric Powder- 1 Tspn
For Masala:

  • Large Onion- 2 Sliced
  • Garam Masala- 1 Tspn
  • Ginger Crushed- a small lemon size
  • Garlic Crushed- 5 Pods
  • Green Chilies- 4 Nos
  • Tomatoes Sliced- 3 Nos
  • Coriander Leaves- a bunch
  • Thick Coconut Milk- 1/2 Cup
  • Hot Water- 1/4 Cup
  • Cashew Paste- 3 Tspn
  • Soya Sauce- 1 Tspn
  • Ghee- 2 Tspn
  • Oil- 2 Tspn
  • Curry Leaves- Few


  • Marinate the whole chicken with the ingredients under “to marinate” and keep aside for at least 1 hour.
  • Deep fry 1 large onion chopped until it turns crispy in ghee and keep it aside.
  • In a big thick bottomed vessel,pour oil and add the other 1 onion sliced,tomatoes,green chillies and crushed garlic and ginger and sauté well until it combines well.
  • Add garam masala and add the marinated chicken and give a light stir for the masala to get into the chicken.
  • Add hot water (a little) into the sides of the chicken and give a smooth stir.
  • Close the vessel with the lid and cook it covered for 3 minutes.
  • Reduce the flame to low and again flip the chicken and add the coconut milk (a little) and give a stir and again cook it covered for 5 minutes.
  • At this stage the chicken must have cooked as 3/4th stage.Now repeat adding the hot water and coconut milk and flipping up and down the chicken until the chicken is fully cooked.
  • After you are done with adding the entire hot water and coconut milk, do not cook it covered, just cook it uncovered for the gravy to become thick.
  • You will now see the gravy thickened and the best way to check if the chicken is cooked would be pricking it with the fork and if goes smooth into it then it means you are done.
  • At this point, in a separate pan, add oil and soya sauce and saute for a minute.
  • Add this sauce to the cooked chicken( add it on the top) and few curry leaves and coriander leaves.
  • Give a quick stir at the end.
  • Assemble the chicken, by keeping some masala as the base for the chicken in the plate and on top of it,keep the chicken and then pour the remaining masala on top of it.Serve as whole to rice or chappathi.

"Since we are cooking the chicken along with the gravy, always keep the flame as low so that it will not burn at the bottom.

At first when you begin, you will find it hard, and confused as the chicken gets separated from the masala but once the curry gets thickening pour the curries from the sides and pour it to the top of the chicken at regular intervals so that the chicken will observe the masala.

Handle the chicken with care while flipping it, as there may be chances for the wings or legs to break.Hence use essential utensils ( I used 2 large spoons for flipping the chicken).

Do not add the coconut milk and hot water as a whole in one time, add it in regular intervals it is a must, as the chicken gets cooked by doing that way."

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